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We constantly strive to improve and streamline both business processes and systems. The Enhancements Roadmap shows completed enhancements and target release dates. Many improvement ideas came directly from the UGA community, so don’t hesitate to Submit a Suggestion for an Improvement

Enhancements Roadmap Button

UGA is large and diverse, and units are constantly testing out new and better ways of doing things. The best practices library was created in 2020 to collect the most effective and efficient processes and share these across the institution.


Area Best Practices Coming Soon ButtonBest Practices Library ButtonShare a Best Practice Button

Numerous reporting and analytical tools are organized at and on the Office of Institutional Research’s Operational Reports page. Here are some of the most useful tools for this area:

 Active Faculty ButtonAdditional Posts ButtonInstructor of Record ButtonSpecial Titles Button

While there are many helpful policies at the university that can be found on the (1) Finance & Administration Policies; (2) Human Resources Policies; (3) UGA Policy Portal pages, here are some of the most frequently used policies for this area:


Appointment Procedures ButtonPromotion and Tenure ButtonFaculty Compensation and Workload Button

Office of Faculty Affairs
The University of Georgia
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