Speed Type
SpeedType is a 10 digit (alphanumeric) field which serves as a short cut for entering a chart string in PeopleSoft (PS) Financials. SpeedType is used in the General Ledger. It is also used in other systems such as UGAmart and in Works (for PCard transactions). It is simply a data entry tool. The SpeedType is NOT recorded on the transaction itself in PeopleSoft so cannot be used in reporting. The SpeedType is recorded in UGAmart and Works.
Accounting Tag is a 10 digit (alphanumeric) field which serves as a short cut for a chart string. Accounting Tag is used in the Expense and Accounts Payable module. The Accounting Tag is NOT recorded on the transaction itself.
At UGA, the SpeedType and Accounting Tag will be the same value. The SpeedType and Accounting Tag will NOT include the account code or budget reference chartfields.
Documentation/Reference Information:
SpeedType Overview
Page Last Modified: 12/09/20