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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

New Faculty Offer Letter Step

What is the new step in the faculty offer letter process?
A new step is being added to faculty offer letter templates, prompting the department head or hiring authority to complete this short form for candidates who may be conducting research at UGA. This form should be completed while drafting the offer letter or before.

What are the benefits of the new step?
Completing this form will notify the Office of Research of prospective new hires earlier in the process, which will allow us to provide more proactive and consultative support to departments. 

Questions about the new step?
If you have questions about this new form or process, please contact Shawn Hill at


Image of form that includes checkboxes for animal space, high performance computing, incubator space, intellectual property or startup company info, journals or publications, lab or other research space, specialized equipment or infrastructure, transfer of data or materials, transfer of externally sponsored projects, other, and none of these or not sure.